Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lest we forget

Today does give me time to reflect on the lives and scarfice made by so many, both now and in years past.

And hope that one day we all will learn from our past mistakes and finally realise that war is not the answer.

Lest we forget

Monday, April 12, 2010

New Puppy on The Street

Edie had a great afternoon playing with Billy and his new sister Annie.

Edie and Billy have a great little bond which is surprising all of us.

Annie is just 8 weeks old with very very sharp teeth and always up to mischief, sleeping or annoying her brother, who is very tolorant.

Mum's just wondering what she is getting into with getting edie a puppy at the end of the year.

Sleepy Afternoons

It was cold and wet outside so Mum made a cosy bed on the floor ready for a movie afternoon.

Grace thought this was a fab idea.

Like Father Like Daughter.

Edie has shown huge interest in Dad's Ducati.

I have heard screams of delight when edie was having a ride yelling "go faster Daddy" "go faster Daddy"

Don't get any ideas honey!!!! I already have enough grey hairs from your dad riding.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Our World is Complete

It's here!!!!

Geoff and I became completely hooked on Mad Men, so having watched season 1 and 2 we could not wait for it to arrive in New Zealand, so onto. Amazon it was!!!!

My world is complete.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Is it Easter yet? Is it Easter yet?

Not sure what it is like in your house but this morning ours was all a buzz with the prospect of eating chocolate, hot cross buns and easter egg hunts.

Nate and Edie where delighted with their loot even complimenting Easter Bunny on his choice of goodies.

I think he might have had a quick word with Mum, just between you and me!!!

Weird and Wonderful Places

I went to check on edie last night to discover and empty bed. Instead of being tucked up in bed she thought that the floor was a much better idea.

I only wish as adults you could just curl up on the floor and fall asleep.